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The fitt principle for muscular endurance and strength includes resistance training

The fitness of a person's cardiorespiratory system is assessed by measuring. (Strength training can be done on cardiovascular aerobic exercise, or “cardio,” days. Download ACSM's Guidelines for Strength Training Infographic People of all ages and abilities who regularly participate in resistance exercise reduce risk of numerous diseases, improve quality of life and reduce mortality.

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Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ exercises are generally performed on a machine that regulates the speed of exercise. , The energy required to drive the heart and respiratory muscles and to build and maintain body tissues is known as the _____. , The point of contact between a motor nerve and an individual muscle cell is called the _____. Progressive overload refers to ________. Resistance training for muscular fitness—both strength and endurance—by the “whole-body” training approach should be performed 2–3 days a week with at least 48 hours of rest between training sessions. The “split-body” approach involves focusing on one set of muscle groups one day and a different set on another day. Ein Mangel kann vor allem bei Männern, aber auch bei Frauen auftreten. Wichtige Symptome können unter anderem sexuelle Unlust, verkleinerte Hoden und vermehrtes Schwitzen sein. 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